Monday, August 3, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

I would never feed my 2 year old son the same supper 5 days in a row because he asked for it and I knew he would eat it - nope, not me!

I would never look at my calendar and the availablity of the beach house we rented to see if we could go again later in the summer/early fall...
just one week after we got home - Not Me - NEVER

I would never procratinate on buying my husbands birthday present and still not have bought one 2 weeks after his birthday (which was during our beach trip so that didn't help) - Not Me - I would have planned ahead so that wouldn't have happened.

I would never call my son's pediatrician and ask them to sign off on his kindergarden physical form based on his last physical in December because I don't have time to get him there. Not me - and I most certainly wasn't relieved when the nurse told me everyone does this and I am not a bad mother.

I would never tell my 5 year old that the crust on bread is the healthiest part so he would eat it because I didn't feel like cutting the crust off of his sandwhich. BUT I'm glad I didn't do that because now he eats it and likes it!!!

I'm sure there's many, many, more "Mom Moments" to post but
this is all I want to share for one day
Have a good week everyone!!!

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