Monday, March 29, 2010


I found this verse through blog hopping one day. The author wasn't recognized, but the words are so true! It is all about Perspective.

As the years go by, you forget the bad parts. Or at least you put them in perspective as unimportant.

Before you know it, you're wishing you had a baby around again. But be careful not to wish you life away.

First you wish you were pregnant. And then you wish you had a big belly to show off. But when the belly gets to be a burden, you wish for labor to come. And as soon as it comes, you wish it were over. You wish for the baby, and then you wish he was older. You wish your children toilet trained and off to school. You wish them grown up so you can have some time to yourself or with your spouse . And then you get what you wish, and your children are gone, and you've wished motherhood away.

As time goes by, you'll forget how busy your life was and how tired you became. You remember only how wonderful it was to be a mother, and still is.

So savor every morsel of motherhood as it comes along. Especially if, like most women today, you are busy, exhausted and wishing for moments of solitude.

In the course of a lifetime, there is nothing greater than being that of a mother. No greater feat than bearing a child, smiling at their smile, gazing into their eyes, laughing at their words and stumbles, enjoying their artwork, getting excited at their acomplishments, watching them sleep, making desision that will affect the rest of their life, and at the end of the day, receiving a big sloppy kiss, a big bear hug with an I love you Mommy.
It's important to make each moment count and in the time of stress and struggles, you will wish someday you had it all back!

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